Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Ceramics 2010

Here is some of the other work I have done in the last year or so
I focused on bottles and bowls this fall in my ceramics class and this is what I was able to produce. All of these are of course FOR SALE please let me know if you are at all interested. I am trying to make some extra money so I can afford to more to Philadelphia in the fall.

Let me know what you think??

More to come as soon as I get the images together....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Senior Show Statement

This is my title and artist statement....
:In Spite of Shame:

There are words that cannot always be spoken. These vessels capture those words. There are things in our lives that no one knows about us, the secrets we hide to protect ourselves. We are all broken and hurting because of something. These vessels are a visual expression of that brokenness and pain that can consume our thoughts and actions.

There is hope. That hope is present in this piece; they also show a lifetime of actions, moving forward and falling back into old habits. There is always something that remains something more around the corner, if only we are looking for it, suddenly there is something to pull us up and make us start again.